
Using Measurable Objectives to Get the Most From Corporate Trainings.

February 4, 2020

By: Tonya Riney, Ph.D.

Reading Time: 2.2

Use IntelliBoard to Achieve Your Training Objectives

After you’ve delivered training, you may wonder what your company is getting out of it. If you’ve created measurable objectives, you can determine whether you’re meeting the goals you set.

Bill, for instance, can find out if auto loan sales have increased within one month at the percentage that he set for his department. If it hasn’t, any number of things might have happened:

  • His training objective was unreasonable and needs to be reassessed.
  • His employees did not complete the training.
  • His employees weren’t engaged in the training.
  • His employees received low scores in training.
  • The training didn’t adequately meet his training objective. (For example, the training promoted rote memorization rather than an actual application of his employees’ new knowledge.)
  • He did not adequately identify the true performance gap and must start over by reassessing his needs using Harless’s front-end analysis questions.

Bill used the online learning management system Moodle to implement his training, so IntelliBoard can help him assess his training’s effectiveness in a variety of ways.

Engaged/Not Engaged Totals by Course

This IntelliBoard report shows Bill how many of his employees entered the training course and how many completed or did not complete an activity.

Activity Completion Stats

This report indicates employees’ progress and grades in the training course.

Course Content Utilization

This report shows Bill how much time his employees spent on the course, and he can filter the results by activity.

Quiz Overview & Question Detail

If Bill’s employees scored consistently lower on some quiz questions rather than others. In the chart below, we can see that a whopping 58% of employees got question 5 wrong. Bill may consider rewording the question for clarification, or ensuring that his course’s content supports the answer to the question.

Feedback Details

Bill had employees fill out a survey about the training course, so this report allows him to compare their course feedback to their grade in the course. Did some employees not enjoy the course because they got low scores in it?

Fortunately, Bill doesn’t have to wait until the training period is over to determine if his employees are completing the course, engaged in it, and receiving adequate scores. He can have IntelliBoard automatically email him reports (super convenient!) or create a monitor set to give a quick overview of what he wants to know.

Learn more about running reports in IntelliBoard, play around in the demo site. If this information was helpful, let us know in the comments or email us at Happy training!

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Tonya Riney, Ph.D.

Ann McGuire is an experienced marketer with more than 20 years creating content, marketing communications programs, and strategies for tech firms. She reads, writes, and lives in New Haven, CT with her husband and two needy cats.


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