
Join the Largest Learning Analytics Network

Two teams are better than one. See how the IntelliBoard Partner Program will help your customers grow their business.
PARTNERS Join the Largest Learning Analytics Network

Partnership Programs

Choose a Partnership Program that Will Meet Your Goals

IntelliBoard Channel Program Partner

Channel Program

Provide your customers with more value, ease, and ROI, all while gaining a competitive edge by adding IntelliBoard to your LMS offering.
IntelliBoard Technology Program Partner

Technology Program

Integrate your technology with IntelliBoard to offer your customers pre-built reports, dashboards, and predictive analytics.
IntelliBoard Application Program Partner

Application Program

Build your own applications within the IntelliBoard Platform then quickly and seamlessly share your data sets with more users.

Make an Impact

When Partnerships Work, Everybody Wins

Channel Partners

Delivering IntelliBoard to Learners Worldwide

IntelliBoard Channel Partners resell the IntelliBoard platform and provide unmatched technical and industry expertise.

Serves Asia Pacific

Serves Europe, Middle East & Africa

Serves Latin America

Serves Latin America

Serves Europe, Middle East & Africa

Serves Europe, Middle East & Africa

Serves North America

Serves North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America & ASia Pacific

Serves Europe, Middle East & Africa

Serves Asia Pacific

Serves Europe, Africa Middle East, & Latin America

Serves Europe, Middle East & Africa

Hear About IntelliBoard from Organizations Like Yours

IntelliBoard Customer Stories

Technology Partners

Building Seamless Learning Analytics Solutions

IntelliBoard Technology Partners integrate with IntelliBoard and bring pre-built reports, dashboards, and predictive analytics to share with clients instantly.

Collaboration  |  Integrates with IntelliBoard Pro

LMS, Collaboration  |  Integrates with IntelliBoard Pro, IntelliCart

LMS  |  Integrates with IntelliBoard Pro, IntelliCart

LMS  |  Integrates with IntelliBoard Pro, IntelliCart

SIS/HRIS  |  Integrates with IntelliBoard Pro

LMS  |  Integrates with IntelliBoard Lite, IntelliBoard Pro, IntelliCart

Other Sources  |  Integrates with IntelliBoard Pro

LMS  |  Integrates with IntelliBoard Pro, IntelliCart

“Our partnership with IntelliBoard is a great opportunity for us and our customers to bring LMS, SIS, and Attendance data together in a single analytics platform, helping them to overcome their retention and compliance challenges.”
Matt Hadgis, President and Co-Founder of Qwickly
President and Co-Founder of Qwickly

Meet Your Organizational Goals

Schedule a consultation with one of our Learning Analytics experts to see how you can improve learner success with IntelliBoard.