Avianca Strengthens its Asynchronous and Synchronous Training Needs with IntelliBoard
Avianca S.A. is the second-longest operating airline globally and the world’s oldest airline with uninterrupted operations. It continues to transform its internal processes to offer outstanding customer service, understanding that all employees expect to find exceptional labor practices at an employer. Avianca is focused on creating a corporate culture that constantly improves its processes to meet these high expectations.
Avianca currently offers two types of training. The first of these is asynchronous support courses. These courses are designed to help students complete their training by adjusting course scheduling and pacing as they see fit.
The second type is synchronous training. This is where an instructor performs a real-time video class with the students. Synchronous training has become the primary training tool for Avianca’s personnel.
Avianca's Challenge
Avianca was looking to use the latest digital tools to build better staff training processes and stay ahead of their competition. They have built a digital learning ecosystem based on Open LMS while integrating other technologies like Blackboard Collaborate and IntelliBoard to meet their asynchronous and synchronous training needs.
Building a Successful Learning Solution
IntelliBoard is the primary source of reports within Avianca’s Open LMS platform, and it operates in two ways. First, it generates automatic reports for training leaders on the training courses taught within the system. The reports are generated weekly and contain the students’ progress in the different classes they are enrolled in. Leaders use these reports to verify that all staff are keeping up with their training. It also helps to identify what aspects of the training can be improved.
Second, training leaders use these reports to feed the corporate information dashboards, which show general statistics on all training, such as time spent learning, objective achievement, and team member engagement.
Delivering Impact
As of mid-2021, Avianca has successfully trained around 24,000 users. In 2021 alone, the total number of users in the system increased by 25%. It went from approximately 35,000 users to 45,000 by the end of the year.
IntelliBoard helps us verify that all staff are keeping up with their training.
Leaders use IntelliBoard reports to identify what aspects of the training can be improved and feed the corporate information dashboards with time spent on learning, objective achievement, and team member engagement.