Testronic Streamlines Corporate Training & Recruitment with IntelliBoard Lite & Moodle LMS
For over 20 years, Testronic has partnered with video game and entertainment companies from around the world to provide Quality Assurance, Localization, Compliance and Certification, and Customer Support that gets it right the first time.
Credited with numerous AAA titles and renowned for integrity, innovation, and efficiency, Testronic continually develops new approaches to ensure games function flawlessly and are localized to fit every market. With a current capacity of over 550 workable stations and facilities in the US, the UK, and Poland, Testronic leverages the scale of its global operation to offer dependable quality, efficiency, value, and security.
Testronic’s Challenge
Testronic’s Poland office uses the Moodle Learning Management System. As the company experienced growth and the number of users in their LMS grew, it became increasingly difficult to organize learning plans, courses, competencies, and access reports in these critical areas.
Testronic’s old Learning Analytics plug-in just wasn’t cutting it. Frustration with reporting issues was so great that they even considered scrapping Moodle usage entirely and building their own system – something which would have been very time-consuming and expensive.
Building a Successful Learning Solution
When the Testronic team input exactly what they were looking for into a search engine, they found IntelliBoard. The Testronic Poland team uses IntelliBoard in conjunction with two of their key platforms: internal learning and recruitment.
The recruitment platform is used 24/7, and they generate reports every 3 hours. As for the learning platform for internal users, reports are generated every three days. IntelliBoard reports became an integral part of the day-to-day operation of both platforms.
Testronic has also used the IntelliBoard Learning Analytics Platform to track progress and generate reports for new courses they offer to inform internal learners of their progress and keep management abreast.
Earlier, it was difficult for them to track which courses internal learners were competent in because the only available option was the internal Moodle learning plan monitor, which they would have to sort out based on the users or the cohort. They weren’t able to see competencies for individual users. But, after installing IntelliBoard, they can now differentiate and inform their project leads and project managers of who is capable of being promoted to the next level in their team.
Testronic Poland also uses IntelliBoard to help with conducting face-to-face onboarding workshops. Previously, when it came to tracking the data from these workshops, it wasn’t possible to do it alone on the Moodle system because they had to go to every course and then check for each activity, and then get the data for every particular course.
Instead, IntelliBoard works as a one-stop shop for them, where they can just select the activity, and it filters out for each and every course and who participated on which date.
Delivering Impact
By adopting the IntelliBoard Learning Analytics Platform, the Testronic Poland team tackled the problem of organizing the data within their LMS and getting actionable data that impacted Testronic’s ROI.
The team went from being incredibly frustrated with their LMS’s lack of applicable reports to efficiently tracking internal learning, onboarding, and promotions, effectively dealing with the large volume of activity on their recruitment platform, and capturing the data to make the impact of their work visible to company management.
Partnering with IntelliBoard helps ensure that Testronic finds the right people for the job and enables the Testronics team to do so in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner.
With IntelliBoard we can streamline promotions and recruitment.
We can now differentiate and inform our project leads and project managers of who can be promoted to the next level in their team.