One of the most significant challenges faced by K12 teachers and administrators is platform management. Although K12 has access to nearly limitless learning applications and management options, this creates a tangled web for information access and retrieval.
Information access is vital to the teacher<>student relationship. Even before the crisis, the need for communication with parents and guardians was a critical aspect contributing to the child’s success. When data is located on spreadsheets, 14 browser tabs, post-its, scraps of paper, and/or mental notes, this data can no longer be considered helpful or useful for the teacher or the school administrators.
You have access to a better way through InContact. InContact lives within your LMS (via LTI), and provides your teachers easy access to student learning data, and the interface to organize communication for everyone involved in student success. InContact is the hub for logging communication (with the student, the parent/guardian, with everyone), that keeps conversations together in one place for easy access. Teachers can log and recall student communication information: who to contact next, who hasn’t been contacted, the time of last contact, all while viewing integral LMS and SIS data such as last access, last participation, current grade, last submission, last submission score and time spent.
InContact is the shortcut to successful student engagement tracking. As an administrator, you have “fly-on-the-wall” access to view these communications for every student and every course. It might be hard to observe every class, but you can view every interaction, allowing for multiple points of intervention for your students, parents, guardians, and teachers. Event calendars and specialized permissions/roles (Counselors, Nurse, Assistant Principal) allow Administrators to customize access to courses and communication records.
For teachers, nothing is better than saving a dedicated overworked teacher time and effort. Logging communication events is simple and convenient. A multi-select option allows teachers to log multiple students and communication events at one time. Implementing InContact within your LMS allows teachers fingertip access for conferences, needed contact information for parents and guardians, all communication records for a student, all communication records for all students, and all the performance data pivotal to student success.
Organize your world with InContact. Let us show you how.

Elizabeth Dalton measures and improves educational tools, processes, and results by using her experience in instruction and assessment design, development, documentation, and delivery, combined with her knowledge and expertise in technology and statistical methods.
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