What You Wish You Knew: The Game-Changing Data for Academic Leadership
Join IntelliBoard for a panel conversation where we’ll dive into how two educational institutions are empowering Academic Leaders to support student engag [...]
Leveraging Data for Retention: Deploying IntelliBoard Reports in Online Learning
Join us for an insightful webinar where we’ll dive into how educational institutions are using data to enhance student retention. Featuring Kathy Mayo, Co [...]
IntelliBoard Partners with Instructure to Bring Enhanced Learning Analytics to Canvas LMS
This language expansion reflects IntelliBoard's commitment to providing a seamless user experience for its diverse global clientele
CanvasCon Philippines 2024
What to Expect at CanvasCon Philippines 2024 Attend educator-led sessions on the pedagogical and technological topics most important to you. Hear product [...]
CanvasCon Melbourne 2024
What to Expect at CanvasCon Melbourne 2024 Join us for one day full of insightful presenters, informative sessions, excellent entertainment, and more way [...]
Voice and Choice: Why Student Agency is Necessary for Learning
Learn why it matters to foster student agencies for students and educators and what strategy of foster student agency you need.
Unlock the Real-Time Power of Learning Analytics with the 5 P’s
How can you ensure you're acting on data important for you and your learners? Learn how to make the most of your learning data.
Why Positive Student Experience with Your LMS is Important
Find out what factors influence the success of an LMS adoption and how to make the process of LMS adoption smooth for the learners.
IntelliBoard Wins Gold in Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Technology Awards!
Read more about the Brandon Hall Group Awards IntelliBoard won in 2021 for excellence in technology to empower educational outcomes.
Global Learning: The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be
Read why learning analytics is needed to assess critical thinking, empathy, and behaviors such as collaboration.
Virtually Unstoppable
Explore why the strategic deployment of technology adopted in 2020 also must come with a more strategic use of data.
IntelliBoard Achieves Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Private Company Status
Explore why by making data accessible to everyone, we have doubled our revenues in 2020 and on pace to do so again in 2021.
Why Instructors Love IntelliBoard
Discover how the Instructor Dashboard and its underlying reports can change the life of an educator and save time.
3 Ways Predictive Analytics Can Improve Learner Outcomes
When we study the past, we do so not to predict the future but to change it. Learn how you can benefit from Predictive Analytics strategies.
3 Ways (Good) Instructional Design Improves Learner Engagement
Discover how better instructional design will drive learners' engagement which leads to higher retention and completion rates.
How to Use Personalized eLearning to Improve Learning Outcomes
Read why personalized e-learning will increase retention and improve the ability to apply the learning material outside of the course.
What Gets Measured Gets Done: Putting Your Data to Work
See why you must narrow down the metrics you measure to those that will allow you to not only track progress, but change the future.
InContact powered by IntelliBoard: Your Hub for Logging Communication
Discover how InContact is helping with saving a dedicated, overworked teacher time and effort with easy logging of student communications.
Creating SMART Goals Identify Corporate Training Performance Gaps
See how SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound can help you achieve your training goals.
Best Ways to Link ROI to Corporate Training Objectives
A successful training program starts with identifying the real causes of performance gaps instead of making assumptions.
IntelliBoard dentro del Plantel: Uniendo Su Ecosistema de Éxito Estudiantil
En este blog hablamos sobre cómo los instructores pueden usar IntelliBoard para mejorar sus cursos universitarios. Pero, ¿qué pasa con el panorama general [...]
E=M2C (energy = MoodleMoot Conferences)
Having recently attended ATD 2017 in Atlanta, the conference experience always gives rise to the convoluted question of the value of conferences as a whole [...]
Learner Dashboard: Provide Instant Access to Course Progress
Explore how learners can have instant access to their own course progress through live dashboards provided by IntelliBoard.
Competency Based Education
See how institutions can use competency-based education to better evaluate learning efforts with the help of IntelliBoard.