IntelliBoard and Qwickly Announce Integration Partnership to Identify and Predict Students at Risk
See how Qwickly and IntelliBoard enable higher ed and companies to identify at-risk students and dollars then proactively intervene.
Dare to Care: Bring Instructor Immediacy to e-learning
Find out how to create a sense of instructor immediacy for online courses to improve student outcomes ultimately.
Student Attrition: Identify Causal Factors for Targeted Solutions
Explore why instructor immediacy via professional development and course design for e-learning is your key to lower student attrition.
Customize Your Institution’s Definition of Student Retention
Learn what student retention means in a practical sense and how data-driven solutions help to achieve meaningful student retention rates.
How to Set Up Your LMS to Support Executive Function
When educators view their courses through a learner-centered Executive Function lens, they can support learners’ executive skills.
Assessment for Learning: Creating Strong Feedback Cycles
Read how you can use your LMS data to deliver strong assessments for learning without being difficult to set up.
Voice and Choice: Why Student Agency is Necessary for Learning
Learn why it matters to foster student agencies for students and educators and what strategy of foster student agency you need.
Unlock the Real-Time Power of Learning Analytics with the 5 P’s
How can you ensure you're acting on data important for you and your learners? Learn how to make the most of your learning data.
Why Instructors Love IntelliBoard
Discover how the Instructor Dashboard and its underlying reports can change the life of an educator and save time.
IntelliBoard across Campus: Bridging Your Student Success Ecosystem
Explore why deploying Learning Analytics is a strategic decision that can benefit your learners, faculty, advisors, and academic leadership.
What Gets Measured Gets Done: Putting Your Data to Work
See why you must narrow down the metrics you measure to those that will allow you to not only track progress, but change the future.
IntelliBoard dentro del Plantel: Uniendo Su Ecosistema de Éxito Estudiantil
En este blog hablamos sobre cómo los instructores pueden usar IntelliBoard para mejorar sus cursos universitarios. Pero, ¿qué pasa con el panorama general [...]
Top Ways to Craft a Compelling Story with Your Data Using IntelliBoard
Discover why it’s a good idea to use a story in conjunction with your data and charts showing the overall trends.
How to Present Data to Persuade Parents, Principals, and Others Using Storytelling
Read about a few unethical strategies to avoid when you present data in graphs and charts, such as Truncated Axis, Area as Quantity, and more.
Defining Your Audience for Optimal Data Storytelling
Discover why you must narrow down your argument into one sentence that articulates your unique point of view and conveys what’s at stake.
How to Retain Students by Creating Interventions
Read why relationships are key to retaining students. The more social support systems a student has, the more likely they will stick with it.
How Learners View Learning Analytics Impacting their Individual Success
Find out how learners view learning analytics impacting their performance by viewing their course progress through live dashboards.
Learner Dashboard: Provide Instant Access to Course Progress
Explore how learners can have instant access to their own course progress through live dashboards provided by IntelliBoard.