Webinar – Building Dashboards With IntelliBoard Pro
VirtualJoin our Senior Implementation Manager Liz Simpson as she provides training around the basics of creating dashboards within IntelliBoard Pro.
How To Increase Engagement & Retention with Actionable Learning Analytics
VirtualThis webinar is designed for educators, administrators, advisors, leadership, data enthusiasts, and anyone passionate about harnessing the power of data.
Webinar – Building a Notification Program with IntelliBoard Pro
VirtualJoin our Senior Implementation Manager Liz Simpson as she goes over the basics of creation notifications within IntelliBoard Pro.
Cómo aumentar el compromiso y la retención con análisis de aprendizaje práctico
VirtualEste seminario web está diseñado para educadores, administradores, asesores, líderes, entusiastas de los datos y cualquier persona apasionada por aprovechar el poder de los datos.
How To Increase Engagement & Retention with Actionable Learning Analytics – Part II
VirtualThis webinar is designed for educators, administrators, advisors, leadership, data enthusiasts, and anyone passionate about harnessing the power of data.
Webinar – IntelliBoard Legacy Refresher
VirtualJoin our Senior Implementation Manager Liz Simpson as she provides an overview of some of our Legacy platform's basic features and functionality.
How to Get Actionable Insights From Your Canvas LMS
VirtualThis webinar is designed for educators, administrators, advisors, leadership, data enthusiasts, and anyone passionate about harnessing the power of their Canvas LMS data.
Analítica Avanzada e Inteligencia Artificial para predecir estudiantes en riesgo e intervenir a tiempo para asegurar el éxito
VirtualAyuda a las instituciones a visualizar el impacto financiero de los resultados de retención, mejorar los resultados del alumno, retener y graduar más estudiantes.
Turning Insights Into Action: Learning Analytics Practices Every Organization Should Adopt Right Now
Our experts will share best practices and real-world examples, equipping you with practical solutions to overcome data challenges relating to the learners [...]
Optimice y maximice su LMS Canvas con IntelliBoard
VirtualOptimice y maximice su LMS de Canvas con IntelliBoard
How to Increase Engagement & Retention With Actionable Learning Analytics
VirtualLearn about the value of learning analytics in education, addressing the challenges inherent in turning LMS data into actionable insights.
Optimice y maximice su LMS Blackboard de Anthology con IntelliBoard
VirtualSi su institución ya está trabajando con LMS Blackboard actualmente, pero le preocupa saber si realmente está aprovechando todo el potencial de esta plataforma o si está haciendo todo lo posible para evitar el abandono escolar.